
The short intro.

I'm an American ex-pat living on a small island in the Philippines with my husband and our fur baby, Stewie. I quit my full-time day job two years ago to pursue my writing dreams, which lead to selling off most of my belongings and flying halfway across the world. I no longer spend my days stuck in traffic and sitting at a desk pushing paperwork for 9 hours. Now I maintain several blogs, freelance write, do yoga while overlooking the ocean, take naps whenever I want, and do general beach bum stuff. Of course, I had to give up things too, like frequent trips to Starbucks and super fast internet speeds. I think it's worth it though.

Why I started this blog.

I've been on a spiritual journey for quite a long time. It started with me saying a prayer with my dad one night, inviting Jesus into my life, then with a baptism at a small Baptist church in Kerrville, Texas. For many years afterward I struggled with trying to find my place within religion. I knew I loved God, but felt like I could never really know God. He seemed like a distant father I could never quite please and I was always waiting for the next smiting or trying to rationalize away my "sins." In short, I never felt good enough or worthy of anything, but how could that be when God was supposed to be all-loving?

Besides, the church had always preached unworthiness, or that's what I took from it at least. After awhile, that didn't sit well with me. It didn't sit well that God was all-loving, but quick to take away. It didn't sit well that God seemed like a human with all kinds of human-like emotions.

But, like all good Christian girls, I didn't question (too much) and shrugged off my feelings. I wasn't going to look into my own religion, lest God persecute me for wondering what he was up to.

Then, not like all good Christian girls, I fell in love with and married an atheist. You can imagine the backlash I received from those closest to me. How dare a believer involve herself with a non-believer. Surely I would lose my faith.

But no. In some ways, it only made it stronger, and now here I am within my own spiritual awakening of sorts - one that I need to put out into the world. Why? Because maybe you've been down the same path. Maybe you're in the midst of a new kind of spirituality and trying to find your way. I want to walk down this path together. Talk about it. Get into the bones of the matter.

So what do I believe now? My mind is open. I believe God is an all-loving energy, not man or woman (for the sake of writing ease I'll use the pronoun "he" from time to time), and doesn't display petty human emotions like jealousy. I don't believe you have to practice certain things to get into heaven or to be closer to God (like going to church or abiding by certain rules within the church). Do those things because you want to, not because you've been told it is the right way to practice spirituality.

I don't believe we have to please God because the Beloved is already pleased with us. We are divine in nature. We are a part of God. 

Most of all I believe that we are spirits having a human experience. Not the other way around. I believe we have more power than what we've been taught and that there's more to life that what we can see. 

I believe in Jesus - he's my guru of sorts - but I'm not afraid to take advice from other gurus. I'm no longer afraid to read up on Buddhism or Hinduism. I believe there's something important to take away from all religions. We're all sitting around the same campfire singing songs to the same flame.

I don't know it all, nor will I ever. I'm just a girl on a spiritual journey, writing it all down. I'm still learning, still wondering and wandering. 

So why did I start this blog? Because I'm learning so many fascinating things and have found myself wanting to share them. You can agree or disagree with the things I share, but know this - this is my path, my journey, and what works for me. I welcome you to walk alongside me, but please don't try and push me off my path, nor will I try and push you off yours. There's only love and respect here.

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